Friday, October 16, 2009

writing not packing

There should be an international award for procrastination, because then I would be sure to receive an international award. I leave in less than 12 hours and I still haven't packed - haven't even decided if I need my ski jacket (probably, for the South) or my black suede boots (probably not, even if they are really cute). I've already found impressive techniques to put off packing: laundry; breakfast; visiting my grandmother - we baked popovers; returning clothing (which I had put off until today); buying a travel book; finding a great/safe/cheap purse for travel - I think it ; making a list of everything I want to pack; dinner; and now, blogging. Today was probably the most productive day I've had since being in New York - but I haven't accomplished the one thing that must be done before I leave. It is definitely time to put some clothing in a bag and zip it up.
To be fair, there are many factors I need to consider. For one, it will be spring during my stay below the equator and the temperature in the two cities where I'll spend most of my time will range from the 60s to 70s F, but I will potentially travel to places that will be below freezing come nightfall, so what kind of layers should I bring? Another consideration is that I'll be going to Spanish classes during the week (casual outfits) but working in the hospital some afternoons (business outfits). Further wardrobe complications include: going out, working out, traveling around, going to vineyards, going to the beach, spending the afternoon in a cafe... I could go on, but will spare you.
So I hope you have some sympathy for my packing predicament, because the next issue that deserves mention is my anxiety around packing in general. Whether it's for a 2 month trip or a 2 hour picnic, I am never sure what to bring! Bring too much and you look like a princess (and have to carry a heavy bag!), bring too little and you're sure to have regrets. So what's a girl to do? Realistically, I may never get over this analysis-paralysis, but with any luck I will be on a plane bound for Santiago tomorrow afternoon, I guess that means it's time to get my suitcase out of the closet!

with love,


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